Town Meeting 2023

Town Meeting

By Frank Kampf, Staff Writer

      This year’s Town Meeting was held in the Willey Building, since attendance at Town Meeting has declined since the adoption of Australian Ballots for budget articles.  Instead of a sparsely populated gym at Cabot School, the third floor auditorium in the Willey building was full with approximately 60 participants.

     The Selectboard and Town Clerk sat behind tables up on the stage, and the audience was arrayed in the wooden seats on the auditorium floor, with a microphone stand positioned between the audience and the stage. The microphone was positioned to face the audience. The moderator's position was to the front right of the audience, also on the auditorium level.

     This year’s Town Meeting did not see any controversy, and barely a hint of any negative comments.  All the articles were discussed, with the majority of the discussion revolving around the youth librarian, school playground, and zoning articles.

     The biggest surprise of the meeting was the new moderator.  In recent years, R.D. Eno had been the moderator, but since he was on the Selectboard, and with Ed Smith’s retirement from the position, a new moderator was elected, Jeanne Johnson.  Jeanne did a tremendous job for being a first time moderator, and many were pleased with her performance.

     Since the results of Town Meeting far outweigh the scant debate that occurred on the floor, this correspondent felt an interview with the new moderator would be more informative for the readership.

     What motivated you to be moderator?  I was asked if I would do it.  My first gut reaction was, "What, are you crazy?  No!"  But, as I get older, I am allowing myself to experience uncomfortable situations, thinking that stressing my brain and learning new things may help keep it from deteriorating.  Standing up in front of Town Meeting is definitely uncomfortable.

     How did you prepare for the role?  I attended a Moderator workshop sponsored by Vermont League of Cities and Towns.  I got a copy of Robert's Rules of Order and read Ruling the Unruly, or How to Moderate a Vermont Town Meeting by Ed Chase, Moderator for the Town of Westford since 1988.  I also read All Those in Favor - Rediscovering the Secrets of Town Meeting and Community by Susan Clark & Frank Bryan.

     What was the easiest part of being the moderator?  In my reading, it became clear that the work and decisions of Town Meeting belong to "the body;" in other words, the registered voters of the town.   I learned that voters can override Robert's Rules, as well as the moderator.  The only thing they can't overrule is state law.  That means it is not my job to limit anyone's right to speak or opine, as long as it is done in orderly and respectful fashion.

.     What was the hardest part of being the moderator?   I found it difficult to remember which Australian Ballot items can be discussed on the floor, even though no action can be taken, and I slipped up a few times, between the school and the town meetings.  But I received some gentle coaching from more experienced town meeting denizens, and we got through it, although I realize after-the-fact I could have and should have allowed more discussion.

     Were you worried about unruly or impolite participants?  Yes, I was worried.  I called Ed Smith, 26-year Cabot Moderator, for reassurance (Town & School Meeting attendees have already heard this - please forgive me for the repetition, but I can't resist!).  Ed told me about some difficulties in past meetings.  When I told him I considered purchasing a leather vest to wear in his honor (I remember him always in a leather vest at the podium), he informed me:  "What you don't know is that the vest is bullet-proof!"  But I was fortunate, and everyone was respectful and well-behaved at Town Meeting 2023.  I think they were just so glad to come together in person again.

     Did you enjoy it, and will you do it again next year?  Well, I lost some sleep the two nights before, but felt pretty good when it was over.  I wish I hadn't made any slip-ups, but I was grateful for the coaching I received, and I got a few very supportive emails later that day, which I really enjoyed.  It's not up to me whether I get elected again next year, but unless I'm on a warm, sunny beach next March, I would certainly consider doing it again.


